Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thoughts from a searching soul

When seeking a therapist what do you look for? First, they’re credible, competent, and have heartfelt integrity while explaining how they'll help guide you through the process of healing. I set out the above intention and found Robin Graves. Besides being a phenomenal therapist I wanted/needed more; someone who could help me delve deep into my past. I have felt broken, like Humpty Dumpty...I had fallen but I couldn’t find anyone to help put me back together again. Family hurt, spiritual crisis, and coming to the realization I know I’m here for a reason and it’s not just to be a wife/mother and have a career I no longer relate to. I feel in my bones a longing, searching for tangible evidence of something more. I can’t see or touch it, I don’t even know what IT is, but I feel this unsettled feeling that’s indescribable, persistent, and I can no longer ignore it. I did much research on a variety of topics. I read over 20 books in one month searching but not finding the clarity needed. I decided to jump in headfirst. Where do I start? Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music tells is to “start at the very beginning.” Ok that’s simplistic enough for me. I had questions, soul searching questions like: Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I feel miserable when I should be happy? Do we come to this earth for wonderful experiences and heartbreaks only to leave once we have a little wisdom? Hypnosis along with therapy, seemed appealing and at this point and I was ready to reach outside the box....so glad I did! It’s clear now why I had this “feeling/longing.” It was ME communicating that what had served me in the past, no longer serves me. Robin guided me through sessions making sure I was comfortable, felt safe, felt I could let go, and follow wherever her voice guided me. The answers to my questions appeared so easily...as they came to me, they touched the deepest part of my soul. The sense of relief, continued epiphanies, and healing that followed in the days after our session were beautiful. Robin helped me clear, clean, and support my internal energy and make sense of what was nonsensical before. All I can tell anyone who is curious, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE in the most positive ways possible. You’ll immediately relate to the knowledge and information you receive. We all have things that leave long lasting imprints. Sometimes we forget those things but our subconscious remembers. If anyone wants to truly heal, be present for yourself, family, or even to figure out if you want to change careers, go back to college, and you just need guidance...make an appointment. Sit back and be prepared to be amazed. I don’t write reviews unless someone has really exceeded my expectations, Robin certainly has! If you’re on the fence, throw caution to the wind and be like Nike, JUST DO IT! Peace of mind comes from knowledge and wisdom, learning to forgive and let go of things that no longer serve you. Therapy and hypnosis together along with clearing and cleaning out have given me a whole new outlook on this one life I’m living. This is 21st Century Therapy at its finest!

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