Monday, November 17, 2014

Discover your Spiritual Guides

Many people come to me in search of guidance in  their lives, or complain that they feel alone, not realizing that they have a whole team of Helpers and Guides surrounding them. You are never alone. Some call them Guardian  Angels, some call them Guides, I call them my helpers.  They are available to you anytime you need them.  All you have to do is ask.  These spirits want to, and are available, to aid you in all aspects of your daily life; To help you find and stay on your path, to grow and become the best person you can be.  To learn the lessons available within this particular set of circumstances, in this life, with this soul group you call family.
If you have misplaced something, or need immediate help; even an event as mundane as finding a place to park, these are helpers who intervene.  I can't tell you how many times I have been running late, it's raining, and in dire need of a spot to park in a crowded lot and asked for assistance, to have a car back out and open up a spot directly in front of my destination.   If you are unsure about a decision, perhaps need enlightened when and if you should leave a friendship or situation and need actual life direction, these are Guides who answer your call.   Just think about your question, then be still and listen for the answer and look for the signs directing you.
Meditation is very good way to open up a channel to be able to hear your guides and helpers. Sometimes you need to clear the static noise and clutter from your mind in order to get their messages.  You may not hear or understand the directive immediately in some situations.  In these cases, hold off  making a decision until you are sure of the answer.  If you can hear the voice of your conscience, you can hear your helpers.  When you are aware,  you can tell the difference between your individual Spirit Guides and your Helpers.  Different  spirits advise you with each respective question or predicament.  For instance, you have finder helpers (for when you can't locate an item), love, joy and happiness helpers, those who will support you with productivity and becoming successful, those who protect you with intuition and give that adrenaline rush for self preservation. You get the idea. You have support in virtually every aspect of your life if you only ask.
When you come to me for a tarot reading, I am connecting with your Guides in order to get the answers you may not be hearing.  When you are blocked or not receiving the direction you are capable of channeling or at a crossroads in you life. This is when a reading is the most useful.
Please visit my website to find more info on how to prepare your questions in order to get the best reading possible at

Robin Y. Graves CMHt, PLR