Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thoughts from a searching soul

When seeking a therapist what do you look for? First, they’re credible, competent, and have heartfelt integrity while explaining how they'll help guide you through the process of healing. I set out the above intention and found Robin Graves. Besides being a phenomenal therapist I wanted/needed more; someone who could help me delve deep into my past. I have felt broken, like Humpty Dumpty...I had fallen but I couldn’t find anyone to help put me back together again. Family hurt, spiritual crisis, and coming to the realization I know I’m here for a reason and it’s not just to be a wife/mother and have a career I no longer relate to. I feel in my bones a longing, searching for tangible evidence of something more. I can’t see or touch it, I don’t even know what IT is, but I feel this unsettled feeling that’s indescribable, persistent, and I can no longer ignore it. I did much research on a variety of topics. I read over 20 books in one month searching but not finding the clarity needed. I decided to jump in headfirst. Where do I start? Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music tells is to “start at the very beginning.” Ok that’s simplistic enough for me. I had questions, soul searching questions like: Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I feel miserable when I should be happy? Do we come to this earth for wonderful experiences and heartbreaks only to leave once we have a little wisdom? Hypnosis along with therapy, seemed appealing and at this point and I was ready to reach outside the box....so glad I did! It’s clear now why I had this “feeling/longing.” It was ME communicating that what had served me in the past, no longer serves me. Robin guided me through sessions making sure I was comfortable, felt safe, felt I could let go, and follow wherever her voice guided me. The answers to my questions appeared so easily...as they came to me, they touched the deepest part of my soul. The sense of relief, continued epiphanies, and healing that followed in the days after our session were beautiful. Robin helped me clear, clean, and support my internal energy and make sense of what was nonsensical before. All I can tell anyone who is curious, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE in the most positive ways possible. You’ll immediately relate to the knowledge and information you receive. We all have things that leave long lasting imprints. Sometimes we forget those things but our subconscious remembers. If anyone wants to truly heal, be present for yourself, family, or even to figure out if you want to change careers, go back to college, and you just need guidance...make an appointment. Sit back and be prepared to be amazed. I don’t write reviews unless someone has really exceeded my expectations, Robin certainly has! If you’re on the fence, throw caution to the wind and be like Nike, JUST DO IT! Peace of mind comes from knowledge and wisdom, learning to forgive and let go of things that no longer serve you. Therapy and hypnosis together along with clearing and cleaning out have given me a whole new outlook on this one life I’m living. This is 21st Century Therapy at its finest!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Past Life Regression

This article was in the Daily OM and think it is worth sharing regarding Past Life Regressions:
The effects of a past life can manifest in your current life in many ways but should be used as a tool, not an excuse.
Inside our subconscious lie our memories from past lives. Though we seldom remember even having lived these past lives, the experiences we had living them have had a hand in shaping who we are today. The effects of a past life can manifest in a later lifetime in many ways - phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death, and trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause you to feel strongly drawn to certain people, places, or objects without knowing why.

Many people turn to past life regression therapists to revisit their past lives. Past life regression allows you to recall the memories and emotions associated with a past life that continue to exert an influence over your present reality. You may not have even been aware that these experiences are still affecting you today. Past life regression therapy can offer you a unique opportunity to reconnect with these memories so you can understand them and free yourself.

To discover more about your past lives, consider keeping a notebook where you can record anything that could be a memory from a different lifetime. You may also feel drawn to a particular period in history, a seemingly unfamiliar locale, or a new person you've met who seems oddly familiar. Pick a time and choose a place where you can relax. Envision your body being filled with healing white light. Remember that nothing you see or hear will harm you. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve through regression and connect with your inner vision. Observe what you see without judgment. When you are done, think about how what you experienced relates to your present life. There may be beliefs from a past life that you are still operating under but are now ready to let go of. The significance of your past life memory may not be immediately obvious until much later. You can make the most of your past lives by learning from them. While past life regression can be an exciting journey, it is not a substitute for living in the present where we are most needed right here and now.


Monday, April 10, 2017

My Virtual Garden: Mosaiculture Exhibition

My Virtual Garden: Mosaiculture Exhibition: [ News of next mosaiculture exhibition at bottom of page.] International  Mosaiculture  Exhibition   Montreal - Summer 2013  ...

Thursday, January 19, 2017

In Times of Crisis

It's amazing how people come into your life when you need them and others fall away. It's easy to be positive when things are going well in your life and a little more difficult when things go south. These challenging times are when you grow and learn the most. Life has reminded me a couple of times today to stop dwelling on the negative when you're in a crisis and ask your helpers to guide you and concentrate on whatever is positive in your life.  Things will eventually  work out. Have faith. Stop worrying, get some rest, live in the moment and find the joy. THIS I will do. All the rest will follow.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sport Performance

In order to excel in any sport an athlete must be committed and believe in themselves. this goes beyond the love of the game and one's potential. Most athletes would agree that one of the largest components in excelling is mental. Even world class athletes sometimes have a slump at a crucial part in their very successful careers. Marathon runners will frequently talk about how three quarters of the way through the race they sometimes hit what they call "a wall". These are some of the issues which can be addressed.  Hypnosis can be of service to any level of athlete regardless of age, skill level or sport. The practitioner takes them through visual imagery and mental rehearsal of positive experiences and feelings, success and achievement within the competition and confidence, along with boosting the belief in ability to  perform.  Exercises are used for concentration and focus, to dismiss negative experiences, learn from past errors,  mistakes or losses and control anxiety. Hypnosis  is  also used teach them how to detach from distractions and doubt. While interviewing   the athlete before the sessions, the client is asked what their presenting issues are and find out what they feel is holding them back, what are they struggling with. What do they want to change, improve or eliminate. This includes any behaviors, reactions, attitudes, beliefs, feelings or old programming they may be stuck in. With hypnosis all of the senses are used along with feelings and positive thoughts to enhance confidence, calm and energy. This intensified focus allows less time for the intrusion of negative thoughts , anxiety and tension which are some of the leading reasons for performance failure . Hypnotherapist are able to assist athletes in reaching what many call the zone and enjoy their peak performance.  The athlete  can also be programmed to assess performance while they are in action see any upcoming mistakes and correct them before they happen. Hypnosis is also used to remove emotional blockages affecting performance, help get a good night's sleep before an important event, control anger or any other inappropriate reactions. It May also help with improving dietary choices, and improve consistent practice schedules. hypnosis is also use to remove emotional blockages that maybe affecting performance, help get a good night's sleep before important event, and control anger or any other inappropriate reactions. Hypnosis is used to assist with healing injuries and increase tolerance to pain. Hypnosis has become one of the best kept secrets in the sports world. Many to use this technique don't want others to know their secret . Famous athletes who have used hypnosis include Mary Lou Retton, Michael Jordan, boxer Ken Norton. Tiger Woods, Jimmy Connors, Jack Nicholas. Among those who used it for career success are Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Mozart, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Sir Winston Churchill. Princess Kate Middleton used  hypno birthing to stay calm and to manage pain during her children's delivery.  If you want to be the best at your favorite sport, discover how to enhance your performance while increasing the joy, discover Hypnotherapy.
Robin Y. Graves CMHt, PLR

Monday, November 17, 2014

Discover your Spiritual Guides

Many people come to me in search of guidance in  their lives, or complain that they feel alone, not realizing that they have a whole team of Helpers and Guides surrounding them. You are never alone. Some call them Guardian  Angels, some call them Guides, I call them my helpers.  They are available to you anytime you need them.  All you have to do is ask.  These spirits want to, and are available, to aid you in all aspects of your daily life; To help you find and stay on your path, to grow and become the best person you can be.  To learn the lessons available within this particular set of circumstances, in this life, with this soul group you call family.
If you have misplaced something, or need immediate help; even an event as mundane as finding a place to park, these are helpers who intervene.  I can't tell you how many times I have been running late, it's raining, and in dire need of a spot to park in a crowded lot and asked for assistance, to have a car back out and open up a spot directly in front of my destination.   If you are unsure about a decision, perhaps need enlightened when and if you should leave a friendship or situation and need actual life direction, these are Guides who answer your call.   Just think about your question, then be still and listen for the answer and look for the signs directing you.
Meditation is very good way to open up a channel to be able to hear your guides and helpers. Sometimes you need to clear the static noise and clutter from your mind in order to get their messages.  You may not hear or understand the directive immediately in some situations.  In these cases, hold off  making a decision until you are sure of the answer.  If you can hear the voice of your conscience, you can hear your helpers.  When you are aware,  you can tell the difference between your individual Spirit Guides and your Helpers.  Different  spirits advise you with each respective question or predicament.  For instance, you have finder helpers (for when you can't locate an item), love, joy and happiness helpers, those who will support you with productivity and becoming successful, those who protect you with intuition and give that adrenaline rush for self preservation. You get the idea. You have support in virtually every aspect of your life if you only ask.
When you come to me for a tarot reading, I am connecting with your Guides in order to get the answers you may not be hearing.  When you are blocked or not receiving the direction you are capable of channeling or at a crossroads in you life. This is when a reading is the most useful.
Please visit my website to find more info on how to prepare your questions in order to get the best reading possible at HealthyReflectionsHypnotherapy.com

Robin Y. Graves CMHt, PLR